Grab samples of calcrete hosted mineralization was collected on surface early in 2009 that contained up to 0.19% U3O8 and an initial drill test of this mineralization in September, 2009 returned values up to 0.035% U3O8 over 1m.

Some of the calcrete drilling will explore for thicker extensions of this zone, and other holes will test a separate area of electromagnetic geophysical anomalies that may represent new calcrete paleochannels.

The company said that at least seventeen holes are planned to test calcrete targets in this program.

Outcropping leucogranite hosted mineralization was discovered at Dome North late in 2009 and follow up sampling early in 2010 returned grab sample values up to 0.61% U3O8.

Subsequently, Pitchstone has completed high definition helicopter-borne geophysics, radon surveying, satellite imagery, and geological mapping, all of which have been integrated to define targets for the current drilling program.

At least fifteen drill holes are planned to test the leucogranite targets.

Dome is part of a uranium exploration joint venture between Pitchstone (65%) and private company Manica Minerals (35%) through Manica’s wholly-owned subsidiary Cheetah Minerals Exploration.