The two surface grab samples were collected from a newly identified coarse-grained leucocratic granite outcrop in the Dome north area. The two samples contain 149 and 152 ppm U3O8. The style of mineralization is similar to that at the Rossing mine. Very little exploration has been done in this area and further prospecting and geological mapping are required prior to initiating a drill programme.

Also at Dome North, a 250 line-kilometers of electromagnetic survey completed in December has outlined a large and previously unrecognized area of anomalous conductivity interpreted to reflect buried calcrete paleochannels.

This exploration was following up on uranium mineralization intersected in recently completed drill holes. The mineralization, with grades up to 352 ppm U3O8 over 1.0 meter in drill holes, is open along strike. Surface grab samples in proximity to the drill holes contain up to 0.19% U3O8.

The mineralization is calcrete-hosted, similar to that at the Langer Heinrich uranium mine, 70km to the northeast. Drilling to follow up on previous drill intersections and to test the new conductivity targets is being planned.