The 1,848MW plant, featuring four coal-fired boilers, serves more than 2 million electricity customers.

The environmental upgrade project targets San Juan’s compliance with federal visibility regulations concerning regional haze caused by power plant pollutants.

The project, approved by the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board and subject to the approval of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), would retire two of San Juan’s four coal-fired power generating units by the end of 2017 and install nitrogen-oxide reduction technology at the other two units by early 2016.

The upgrade is expected to control haze-forming and carbon emissions, while reducing water usage and coal combustion byproducts.

Under the environmental upgrade project, which is estimated to cost around $100m, PNM will use the Aconex Online Collaboration Platform, which will manage project information and processes across a multi-company design, engineering and construction team.

The Aconex platform will maintain a complete and accurate audit trail of all project activities and communications for compliance and reporting purposes.

PNM Resources executive director generation development Evelin Wheeler said, "We selected Aconex for a number of reasons. Unlike internal file-sharing software, the Aconex platform provides access to project information and implements standard processes across multiple independent contractors, consultants and vendors. It also supports web-like searches that allow us to quickly find information."