The software platform, PortaMDM is a unified, real-time billing and supervisory control and data acquisition application for the smart metering networks which offers increased end-user efficiency.

The all-in-one solution is customized to meet the needs of medium-to-large smart metering networks and automated meter reading setups and is suitable for residential, commercial and industrial sub-metering systems.

The platform gathers and accumulates usage data from smart meters, processes the data and then rates it according to the service provider’s particular billing configuration.

PortaMDM also supports Google PowerMeter, enabling users and providers alike to view energy consumption from any web browser.

PortaMDM is compatible with all major meter brands including Veris, Acuvim, Dent, Contrel and Conzerv and allows the service providers to bill customers directly according to any rating scheme the provider chooses.

PortaMDM’s easy-to-use self care pages allow customers to manage many aspects of their provisioning and account maintenance themselves.

It’s flexible billing engine can rate consumption data according to the configuration, rules and tariffs set by the utility or, in commercial settings, the property manager.

Statements can be used for invoicing, accounting, and payments; customer notices and statements can be delivered automatically via email.