The inspection of turbine blades from the Unit 2 low-pressure turbine was planned after the workers discovered cracks on Unit 1 turbine during its examination.

Extra diagnostic equipment will be installed on the turbine to gather the data and analyse information to validate the suspected causes of the blade cracks; additional equipment to collect data will complement the equipment that was installed in 2011.

The workers are finishing the outage tasks on Unit 1 and are preparing the unit to restart in the near future.

The nature of the cracks on Unit 1 turbine were similar to the ones discovered on both the turbines in 2011 but are less extensive in comparison.

The Susquehanna nuclear power plant is co-owned by PPL Susquehanna and Allegheny Electric Cooperative and is operated by PPL Susquehanna.

PPL Corp. controls or owns about 19,000MW of generating capacity and sells energy and delivers electricity and natural gas.