Clean Power Development has applied for a preliminary permit for the proposed Columbia Gorge Renewable Energy Balancing Project in the US. This 1200MW closed-loop pumped storage facility will be a sustainable brownfield redevelopment of the former Columbia Gorge Aluminium smelter that closed in 2003.

A new lower and upper reservoir, underground water conveyance tunnel, underground powerhouse, 230kV transmission line(s), and other appurtenant facilities will be constructed as part of the scheme. The attractive topography of the Columbia Gorge allows for a gross head of more than 2000 feet to be utilised and Clean Power Development says that more energy can be stored using smaller reservoirs, smaller water conveyances, and smaller physical equipment sizes; resulting in lower investment costs and minimal potential environmental impact. As a closed-loop system the project would use the Columbia River for initial fill and periodic make-up water.

The project would provide critical balancing services and flexible capacity to utilities in the Pacific Northwest and California. It is strategically located at the northern terminus of the AC-DC Interties operated by Bonneville Power Administration, Los Angeles Department of Water & Power and the California Independent System Operator which allow for bulk seasonal power exchange between British Columbia, Canada, the Northwest and California.