Roddier holds a doctorate in Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering from UC Berkeley, a master’s degree in ocean engineering from University of Hawaii, and a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering from University of Arizona.

Dr. Roddier has published over 25 peer-reviewed technical manuscripts and holds 3 patents. He is a reviewer for ocean engineering and ISOPE, is a session organizer for OMAE, and recently served as the chair of SNAME, Northern California Section.

“Dominique is a true asset to both our team and the offshore renewables sector. He brings the practical experience necessary to ensure success in technology development,” said Principle Power’s chief executive officer, Alla Weinstein. “Ownership of the WindFloat IP and Dominique’s technical expertise are important elements in our technology development process. We have now completed another step towards the commercialization of the WindFloat and development of floating support system for the offshore wind energy market.”