The company has won the Phase 2 of the contract for the detailed design of the carbon capture plant, which includes the provision of a fixed price to complete the plant construction, according to Carbon Capture Journal.
For the development of a low carbon footprint shale oil technology, the plant will capture carbon dioxide from syngas associated with the QER Shale to Liquids Project.
The deal is based on the use of solvent-based carbon capture technology and includes the requirement for the provision of a ‘Multi-Solvent’ Design – a plant which can operate with a number of commercial carbon capture solvents.
The plant will demonstrate two new generation carbon capture solvents for which the company has teamed up with Siemens for demonstrating the postcap solvent as well as the CO2CRC Uno process.
The plant will also be the world first pilot demonstration of the froth absorber technology developed by Westec Environmental Solutions (WES).
This technology leverages micro froth matrix technology for the reduction of the packed height of the carbon dioxide absorber by more than 50%.
The ability to test these solvents using conventional absorber technology and the new froth absorber technology will enable QER to minimize the potential cost of future large scale CCS for the project.
Process Group and WES believe that the WES absorber technology has the capability to reduce the cost of CCS by up to 30% via reductions in absorber size and by facilitating higher solvent CO2 loadings.