
The offshore fields have reported an increase in production of 7% in 2015, compared to the 2014 level.

The industry body said that with focus on improving production efficiency coupled with investments of more than £50bn over the last four years to make new fields operational in the last 12 months is providing a better result.

For the first 10 months of 2015, the total volume of oil and gas produced on the UKCS increased by 8.6% compared with 2014, according to government data.

Oil & Gas UK CEO Deirdre Michie said: "Output in November and December tends historically to be more stable, but even so, Oil & Gas UK now expects year end production for the full year of 2015 to be seven to eight per cent higher than last year."

Trade body Oil & Gas UK, however, also warned that the industry will face challenges in order to maintain this level in 2016 and beyond.

Michie added: "While the UK offshore oil and gas industry is having to adapt to the low oil price and driving greater efficiencies throughout its operations, the fact is that the value of our product has more than halved.

"We will continue to see job losses as we move into 2016 and we must be thoughtful and supportive of our colleagues and their families who are being made redundant or who are at risk of being made redundant."

Oil & Gas UK launched the Industry Behaviours Charter as a catalyst for change as well as an online portal, the Rapid Efficiency Exchange.

Image: North Sea oil and gas production increased by 8.6% for the first 10 months of 2015. Photo: courtesy of suwatpo/FreeDigitalPhotos.net.