
The company is planning to start export of first cargo by the end of 2015,

Australia Pacific LNG is a joint venture project between ConocoPhillips with 37.5% stake, Origin Energy 37.5%, and Sinopec 25%.

Australia Pacific LNG CEO Page Maxson said: "The production of first LNG marks a successful commissioning and start -up phase of the LNG facility by downstream operator ConocoPhillips and contractor Bechtel.

"As we continue to cool down the facility and produce LNG, we are well placed to export our first LNG cargo in coming weeks."

Origin Energy integrated gas CEO David Baldwin said: "With first LNG production, Australia Pacific LNG has now achieved its last major milestone prior to exporting LNG to customers in Asia.

"The Origin-operated upstream activities which deliver gas to Curtis Island are fully operational and performing well, and Origin, together with partners ConocoPhillips and Sinopec, are now focused on achieving first export.

Australia Pacific produces natural gas from the country’s 2P coal seam gas (CSG) reserves base in Queensland’s Surat and Bowen basins.

The produced gas converted to LNG using LNG facility on Curtis Island. The LNG will be exported to Asian customers.

Origin Energy will be responsible for the project’s upstream production and pipeline system while ConocoPhillips will operate the downstream LNG facility on Curtis Island near Gladstone, Queensland, as well as the LNG export sales business.

The LNG facility will have two processing trains, each with design production capacity of 4.5mpta.

In February, Jacobs Engineering Group was selected to provide engineering services to for the sustaining capital program for the Australia Pacific LNG facility, upon completion.

Image: Australia Pacific LNG will export its first cargo by the end of 2015. Photo: courtesy of Origin Energy Limited.