The blockades remain in place despite a court order prohibiting interference to the use of the winter road that enables access to the mine.

De Beers uses the winter road to transport fuel and other equipment that is too heavy to be transported by air.

Supplies have been prevented from reaching the Victor mine intermittently for nearly two weeks now forcing the company to request for a court injunction.

Blockaders want a joint agreement with De Beers’ officials, saying the blockades would not come down without one.

Although the company signed an impact-benefit agreement, locals believe they are not being given their fair share of the diamond mine’s profits.

Attawapiskat chief Theresa Spence stated, "Attawapiskat First Nation wants to see this matter resolved so that Attawapiskat First Nation and De Beers may discuss De Beers’ proposed further exploration projects in Attawapiskat territory."

The agreement sought by the protests will bind the company to a joint dispute resolution committee that would focus on the resolution of various issues such as compensation for community members, employment, training and housing.