Besides the biodiesel production facility, the infrastructure includes a mooring facility capable of receiving panamax vessels of up to 60,000 metric tonnes (MT) of bulk liquid cargo, and the two longest underwater pipes in Peru, running 4.1km with a 14-inch diameter.

The pipelines connect to Pure Biofuels’s tank farm, for reception and delivery of raw materials, and allow access to other fuels for blending and terminal services. The site is located near the La Pampilla refinery.

Chris Tewell, chairman, said: Our goal is to provide our customers with a renewable and biodegradable fuel option. We are pleased to have completed our flagship facility in time for the Peruvian mandate for 2% biodiesel that will take effect on January 1, 2009. This amount will be raised to 5% by 2011. As a next step, we look forward to carrying out our unique feedstock strategy in which we are cultivating jatropha with the goal of meeting 80% of our feedstock needs with company-owned and harvested jatropha by the year 2015.