Initial exploration results have been received from 272 surface and underground rock chip samples, including the following highlights from continuous chip sampling:

  • 4m at 6.04 g/t Au and 1702 g/t Ag from Guadalupe Target
  • 30m at 0.58 g/t Au and 151 g/t Ag from Campamento Target
  • 1.5m at 114 g/t Au and 57 g/t Ag from Dulces Target

The Amalia Project is located 25 km SW of the historic Guadalupe y Calvo mining district in Chihuahua and hosts high grade epithermal silver-gold mineralization. The Project is unexplored, with only minor historic artisanal-scale mining of surface outcrop known. Epithermal Au-Ag mineralization has been sampled by Radius in several veins, vein breccias and disseminated zones over 3.5km of strike length and a 600m vertical interval following the trace of a large regional fault zone. After optioning the 380ha project in June 2017, Radius staked an additional 10,000 hectares surrounding the Amalia Project, covering 3 new regional target areas. Radius established a 10 man camp at Amalia and completed an initial exploration program comprising geological mapping, prospecting and channel sampling of the main targets.

Campamento Target

At the main target area, known as Campamento, a 150m by 300m zone of intense silicification, and brecciation with massive and stockwork veining has been mapped at the contact between the upper Rhyolite and lower Andesite volcanic sequence. The zone strikes roughly 350/70E.

101 continuous chip channel samples between 1m and 2m wide were sampled across the middle of the Campamento zone, as outcrop allowed, representing the full estimated width of the zone at 148m. The weighted average of all 101 samples was 0.20 g/t Au and 49 g/t Ag. The main mineralized interval graded:

62m at 0.43 g/t Au and 98 g/t Ag

including: 30m at 0.58 g/t Au and 151 g/t Ag

A second 14m wide continuous chip sample (open to expansion) located 60m north of the main sample line, near a historic tunnel graded:

14m at 1.47 g/t Au and 167 g/t Ag

including: 7m at 2.37 g/t Au and 239 g/t Ag

Guadalupe Target

Located 700m SE of Campamento, and 250m vertically below, the Guadalupe target includes a historic tunnel and shaft which expose a high-grade quartz sulphide vein breccia, hosted in andesite volcanics. Radius geologists collected 3 continuous chip samples within the historic workings where the main vein is well exposed. The results include:

Guadalupe shaft:7m at 3.62 g/t Au and 1048 g/t Ag

including: 4m at 6.04 g/t Au and 1702 g/t Ag

Guadalupe tunnel cross-cut:7m at 2.4 g/t Au and 188 g/t Ag

Guadalupe tunnel 10m above cross-cut:4m at 3.92 g/t Au and 888 g/t Ag

The sampling at Guadalupe shows consistent high grade over a vertical interval of approximately 60m, from the upper shaft to lower tunnel. The area around Guadalupe is steep and bush covered with limited outcrop, hence the extent of the mineralized zone is not yet known. Radius plans a soil sampling program in the area to identify extensions of the Guadalupe zone.

Dulces Target

Located 800m NE of Campamento, at roughly similar elevation, the Dulces vein is exposed in an historic underground tunnel within an extensive area of argillic altered andesite volcanics. The vein varies from 1 to 1.5m and chip samples of the vein within the short 15m tunnel returned:

AM377:1m at 34 g/t Au and 13 g/t Ag

AM378:1m at 20.3 g/t Au and 44 g/t Ag

AM379:1.5m at 114.5 g/t Au and 57 g/t Ag

Radius is currently negotiating access with the landowner for a trenching and sampling program at Dulces.


With Au-Ag mineralization occurring over a vertical interval of 600m at multiple targets over 3.5km strike length, Radius believes there is excellent potential for a significant discovery at Amalia. This initial program has returned encouraging high-grade results. The silica at the main Campamento target is high level with chalcedonic banded and colloform textures and typically low in sulphides. This contrasts with the Guadalupe area located 700m southeast of Campamento and vertically 250m below, where bonanza grade mineralization up to 16.4 g/t Au and 5180 g/t Ag (1m sample) is hosted in sulphide rich veins and breccias. This transition from the rhyolite hosted high level chalcedonic veins to high grade sulphide rich veins within the lower andesites is observed at several of the major deposits of the Sierra Madre gold belt. Radius is currently advancing drill permitting and intends to target wide high grade mineralization within the predicted sulphide zone at depth (200 to 250m) below Campamento.