Reedy Lagoon’s exploration is targeting deformation structures, including folding, faulting and shearing, which may have provided conduits and/or trap sites for uranium mineralization precipitating from circulating mineralising fluids within or adjacent to carbonaceous sediments. The company believes the geology may be analogous to that of the Rum Jungle Mineral Field in the Northern Territory, where several uranium deposits occur at similar junctions of structures and carbonaceous stratigraphy.

Winning Hill project’s earlier work included drill testing a target beneath

surface uranium anomalism where a major oblique fault juxtaposes younger rocks with Gascoyne Complex basement. Uranium mineralisation was identified in a weathered zone but RLC believes the target was not adequately tested. Anomalous uranium mineralisation can be associated with carbonaceous or graphitic material where faulting cuts an unconformity between younger strata and older basement rocks. Reedy Lagoon’s interpretation of the previous work suggests such targets may exist at Winning Hill and initial exploration will target sites of intersection between faulting and specific carbonaceous strata.

Reedy Lagoon is an Australian company exploring for mines.