As per the terms of this agreement, Renault and the CEA will form joint project teams who will be working together at several sites. A Renault/CEA Strategic Steering Committee, which will approve the research and development program, will look after the management of the project.

The scope of work for the committee involves identification of areas of corresponding objectives and ensuring that a balance is maintained for each party, particularly with respect to results and their use.

Renault and CEA have identified four main areas of research that includes new energies in transport; upgrades in electrical and electronic architecture; improvements in the competitiveness of combustion engines and communicating vehicles.

Three year R&D program can be extended by a tacit agreement from one year to the next. Renault and the CEA have also set up a provisional annual budget for the execution of the project.

Renault, which aims to offer clean vehicles to its customers, and the CEA that has multi-disciplinary knowledge in several areas of sustainable mobility, will work together to develop technologies in the field of clean vehicles.

Odile Desforges, executive vice-president of engineering and quality at Renault, said: “Sustainable mobility is one of the key issues of our time. Developing solutions that respect users and the environment is an aim that can be achieved only through close cooperation between the public and private sectors.”