The council, which initially fixed a minimum distance of 350m, had formulated a supplementary planning document increasing it to 1,000m for wind turbines of height 100m high.

The judge John Howell QC, however, annulled the policy stating that it is contradictory to the previous limit. Also, the court asserted that the new policies were introduced incorrectly.

Commenting on the decision, RenewableUK deputy chief executive Maf Smith noted that the decision provides the wind sector with the certainty to carry on with further projects.

"Many local councils are aware of the benefits of wind energy – onshore wind is a growth industry for the UK, bringing much needed jobs and investment. "

"Every megawatt of wind energy we install generates £700,000 worth of value for the UK, of which £100,000 stays in the local area. In real terms this equates to contracts for local businesses and jobs for local people," explained Smith.

Also, RenewableUK has remarked that it is unfitting for council to introduce arbitrary limits on renewable energy projects’ location.

"Each proposal should be examined on a case by case basis so that a well-balanced decision can be reached. As two-thirds of the British public consistently support wind energy, their views should be given due weight in the democratic process," concluded Smith.