Once operational, the wind turbine will be capable of providing sufficient renewable electricity to meet the average annual needs of approximately 1,100 homes. It will also generate investment in the local community through a Community Benefit Fund which will be in place for the operational lifetime of the project.

Rebecca Meek, RES Project Manager, says:

"We are delighted with the decision that the Council’s planning committee has made. RES has spent a lot of time investigating the site’s potential and we firmly believe that the Stonehaven Wind Turbine is ideally situated for wind energy generation of this scale.

"We now look forward to working with the local authority, parish councils and local people to maximise the benefits that the Stonehaven Wind Turbine will bring."

The planning application for the Stonehaven Wind Turbine was submitted to the local authority in April 2014 following a comprehensive public consultation by RES in early March. This included public exhibitions held in Bagworth and Newbold Verdon, which also displayed plans for a second single turbine project proposed approximately three kilometres to the north west – the Poplar House Farm Wind Turbine project.

This is subject to a separate planning application which will be submitted to Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council in the coming weeks.

RES will keep the local community fully informed about the construction timescales for the Stonehaven Wind Turbine and will also discuss the Community Benefit Fund associated with the project over the coming months.