Key Results:
– A mineralised package of niobium-zirconium-rare earth element (REE)-tantalum-uranium that is more than 2,000m long, and between 200-500m wide, has been defined within a disrupted contact zone between an alkali granite complex and its host rocks
– Laboratory confirmation of positive previously reported field test results.
– Peak rock chip grades of up to 2.99% Nb2O5, 6.49% ZrSiO4, 1,673ppm Ta2O5, 783ppm U3O8, and average grades that compare well with published grades from Globe’s Kanyika Project in central Malawi.
– Additional potential value from REE by-products, with average grades of 4,200ppm Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO), with 27% of this being the more valuable Heavy Rare Earth Oxides (HREO), locally reaching 2.64% TREO, of which up to 70% is HREO.
– Multiple phases of mineralising events; the controlling pegmatite swarm interpreted to extend under cover; alteration and mineralisation extends into host rock, and is not confined to pegmatites ·
– At least 5km additional along-strike potential has been defined after an assessment of these geochemical results and geophysical surveys enhanced the prospectivity of a contact zone that is around 7km long.
Work Planned:
– A comprehensive program of further geochemical sampling, trenching, drilling and mineralogical assessment is planned at the already defined area of anomalism, the prospective area defined along strike, and other targets.
Licence Expanded:
– EPL0230/07, covering the Machinga Project, has been amended to include niobium, zircon, tantalum and REEs as well as uranium. · An application has been lodged to enlarge the area of EPL0230/07 to cover potential strike extensions or repetitions to the south and east of the known mineralisation.
Resource Star holds two uranium-focused mineral exploration tenements in the East African country of Malawi, Machinga and Chintheche. Exploration efforts during 2008 concentrated on Machinga in southern Malawi. All laboratory analyses from this work have now been received and final reports compiled. The new results are discussed below.
Exploration Results
Final Report on earlier field activities Machinga EPL 0230/2007
Wet chemical (ICP and XRF – ALS Chemex Laboratory, Johannesburg, South Africa) analytical results received, consistent with and enhancing the hand-held XRF analyses reported earlier. Note that the field XRF analyser was unable to provide rare earth element (REE) measurements. These have now been obtained from the laboratory analyses.
Completion of focussed geological evaluation, mapping and sampling over the immediately prospective northern end of the Machinga Main Anomaly · Analysis of all analytical data to date, I particular reviewing accessory elements, REE and elemental and lithological associations.
Completion of detailed total count ground scintillometer surveys over all anomalies defined by airborne radiometrics.
Interpretation of pegmatite zones based on geology and regolith mapping.
Development of target areas for systematic sampling and a drilling program.
Geological consultant’s final report completed on the 2008 exploration program.
210 rock chip samples, selected on the basis of scintillometer readings, lithology and field XRF spectrometer assessment have been analysed for a large suite of major and trace elements.
Most samples were collected from pegmatite swarms, with the majority from the northern end of the main Machinga Anomaly along the contact zone between an alkali-rich phase of a complex granitic intrusion and the basement host sequence, and they define a zone of variable mineralisation that is around 2km long, and between 200 500m wide.
Other anomalies are located on the margins of a nepheline syenite, at Chinduzi, and at the satellite anomalies along the trend defined by the Machinga Main Anomaly. Sample locations, with niobium oxide grade ranges.
Field mapping of the pegmatites at both Machinga Main and Chinduzi has identified different lithologies which can be separated by their mineralogy, morphology, geophysical response and mineralization style, and that there are multiple phases of mineralising events; that the controlling pegmatite swarm is interpreted to extend under cover; and, that alteration and mineralisation extends into host rock, and is not confined to pegmatites.
There are at least 5km of additional along-strike potential to the south of the detailed sampling at the northern end of the Machinga Main Anomaly, defined after an assessment of the geology, these geochemical results and geophysical surveys.
One generation of pegmatites was also noted to contain relatively coarse pyrochlore, a niobium-tantalum-uranium oxide. Pyrochlore is recorded as being the major ore mineral at the Kanyika Project in central Malawi, being explored by Globe Metals & Mining Ltd. in a nepheline syenite.
Licence Amendment
Resource Star’s 100% owned subsidiary Eastbourne Exploration Pty Ltd, the holder of EPL0230/07, on October 12, 2009 received approval for the expansion of scope of the licence such that the metals covered by the tenement now include:
niobium, tantalum, zirconium, thorium, titanium, gallium, hafnium, gold, and the rare earth elements (lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, yttrium, ytterbium and lutetium);
As well as the pre-existing uranium. This suite of elements gives coverage of the full range of likely economic contributors to the style of mineralisation encountered at Machinga and similar projects.
Resource Star has also recently lodged an application with the Malawian Department of Mines & Minerals to extend EPL0230/07 to the south and the east, to cover the strike continuation and/or potential repetitions of the known mineralisation. The additional area applied for amounts to around 400km2, compared to the currently granted area of some 485km2. The final area granted may be subject to change by the Department due to pre-existing land uses.