We are very pleased to expand our industry-leading portfolio of cellular front end components to address the many opportunities in CDMA handsets, said Eric Creviston, president of RFMD’s Cellular Products Group. CDMA handsets totaled approximately 170 million units in 2008 and continue to represent a large segment of the overall handset market. We expect our CDMA product refresh will extend our reach to new customers and new design teams and expand our total available market by approximately 150 million units in calendar year 2009.

Bob Bruggeworth, president and chief xecutive officer of RFMD, said RFMD is diversifying its customer base and product portfolio through a significant increase in new product introductions. We are particularly focused on new standard products for the open market, and the CDMA market greatly increases the scope of our open market opportunities.

The RF73xx product family is compatible with CDMA baseband and covers all high-volume CDMA frequency bands. RF73xx family consists of three single-band PA modules covering the cellular, PCS and AWS bands as well as a dual-band PA that combines the cellular and PCS bands, thereby enabling a size reduction in dual-band implementations. In each PA, individual bands of amplification are addressed with a band-specific, high-efficiency, linear PA that is designed to lower current consumption as output power levels decrease. The improved low-power efficiency is made possible through the use of three digital power modes that adjust bias current and optimize the PA for the desired output power range while maintaining linearity. Each PA in the RF73xx family integrates an output power coupler. The integrated coupler eliminates the need for external couplers in chipset implementations that monitor PA output power in order to make transmit power adjustments.

The RF2815 integrates a low noise-figure LNA, SAW filter and supporting components in a compact 3.3 x 2.1 x 1.0 mm module. The highly integrated RF2815 is optimized for both solution size and performance and is especially suited for battery-powered mobile devices, such as portable navigation devices (PNDs) and GPS-enabled CDMA handsets.

The RF1126 single-pole double throw (SPDT) and RF1136 single-pole triple throw (SP3T) symmetric pHEMT switches offer insertion loss and linearity, making them ideal for signal routing in multi-band CDMA designs implementing receive (Rx) diversity.

Technical features of the RF73xx Family include:

Compact, low profile packages: Single-band – 3 x 3 x 1 mm, Dual-Band – 4 x 5 x 1 mm.

Excellent low-power efficiency.

3 power-mode states with chipset-specific digital control interfaces.

Integrated voltage regulator (Vreg).

Integrated output power couplers.

Highly integrated modules requiring no external blocking or decoupling capacitors.

Technical features of the RF2815 include:

Low noise-figure: 0.85 dB typical.

High gain: 13.5 dB.

High IIP3: +8 dBm.

CMOS compatible shutdown mode.

Current consumption is tunable via a single resistor.

No external DC-blocking capacitors needed.

Technical features of the RF1126 and RF1136 include:

Very small footprint: RF1126 – 2.0 x 1.3 x 0.35 mm QFN package, RF1136 – 2.5 x 2.5 x 0.45 mm QFN package.

Very low insertion loss.

Ideal for use in multi-band CDMA Rx diversity applications.