According to the company, it has reported gas output of 11.2 billion cubic meters (bcm) in 2008, an increase of 1% compared to marketable gas output in 2007.

Rosneft has reported crude and condensate supplies of 115.8 million tonnes (including volumes procured from third parties) in 2008. In 2007, the company’s supplies to refineries grew to 49.3 million tones in 2007, while domestic sales increased to nine million tones, claims the company.

It has further reported an average service station fleet of 1,644 in 2008, compared to 1,629 stations in 2007. Improved efficiency in the downstream sector resulted in the company’s retail sales growing to 4.9 million tones in 2008, a 70% increase compared to 2007.

Rosneft’s refinery throughput (including mini-refineries) equals 49.3 mln tonnes, up 22.6% as compared to the prior year. The Company’s petroleum product output grew 23.6% to reach 47.2 mln tonnes, and petroleum product exports increased by 38.9% to 26.4 mln tonnes. In 2008, Rosneft’s average service station fleet was 1,644, compared to 1,629 stations in the prior year. Improved efficiency in downstream resulted in the Company’s retail sales growing to 4.9 mln tonnes, up more than 70% as compared to 2007.

Rosneft is primarily engaged in hydrocarbon exploration and production, production of petroleum products and petrochemicals, and marketing of these outputs. The company claims to perform exploration and production activities in all hydrocarbon regions of Russia — West Siberia, Southern and Central Russia, Timan-Pechora, East Siberia, and the Far East.