Preparations for this operation have been discussed in October by the headquarters for the construction of new units at the Rostov NPP.
To ensure the installation of the reactor vessel on time (the last ten days of November), in late October, polar crane will be tested – its main lift is 400 tons. With the help of "polar crane" all the heavy equipment will be set in the reactor compartment, including the reactor vessel and steam generators, the first of which will go to the site in the second half of November.
Total construction schedule of the power unit ?4 contains several milestones and thematic tasks required to carry out before the end of this year. In addition to the testing of the polar crane there is renting the basement for installation of turbines, voltage supply for own needs and getting ready to start the welding of the main circulation piping (MCP). According to the information announced at the headquarters, the construction site has already received 16 blocks of the MCP, 4 of them have already passed the input control.
At the conclusion of the headquarters meeting, the builders were addressed by the CEO of the concern "Rosenergoatom" Andrei Petrov. He noted that due to the density of the schedule of works and their importance, today there is a need to focus on the supply of equipment and pipelines. "Of course, you must ensure the availability of the installation of the reactor vessel to the 19th of November and it is important to ensure readiness for strait of technological systems on an open reactor by September 2016. We have come close to the start-up operations, so special attention is paid to the supply of equipment", – said the Head of the Concern.
Start-up of the power unit ?4 of the Rostov NPP is scheduled for 2017.
The Rostov nuclear power plant is a branch of the JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom". The nuclear station is located on the bank of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir in 13,5 km from Volgodonsk. There are two power units with VVER-1000 reactors with an installed capacity of 1000 MWt operating at the nuclear station. The power unit ?1 was put into commercial operation in 2001, the power unit ?2 – in December, 2010. The power unit ?3 physical launch was done in November 2014, energy launch – December 2014. The power unit ?4 is being constructed.