Pearl GTL has been jointly developed by Qatar Petroleum and Shell creating an additional route for Qatar to generate value from its enormous supply of gas.

Using technology and engineering, Pearl GTL turns natural gas into high quality liquid fuels and products, thereby realizing the full upside of accessing the oil markets.

Pearl GTL captures the full value chain from offshore development through onshore gas processing to refining of finished products and the distribution of these products right across the world in one project.

When fully operational, Pearl GTL will have the capacity to produce 140,000 barrels a day of high quality GTL products, thereby help meet the increasing global demand for high quality hydrocarbon.

It will also produce 120,000 barrels a day of Natural Gas Liquids and ethane.

The project is being developed in two trains and major construction was completed at the end of last year.

The first train started up in the first quarter of this year and the first commercial shipment of gasoil was exported in June 2011.

The second train of the plant started up in November 2011 by bringing in sour gas from offshore wells.