
Russian President Vladimir Putin President Putin will discuss on energy cooperation with India during his visit to India for the 15th India-Russia summit, which is scheduled on Thursday.

Earlier, Russia had agreed to construct a total of 14-16 power plants in India.

Press Trust of India (PTI) cited Russian ambassador Alexander Kadakin as saying that India and Russia, during the visit, will negotiate the setting up of unit 5 and 6 at the Kudankulam nuclear power complex soon and are also expected to sign a technical corporation agreement for unit 3 and 4.

Kadakin said the Kudankulam nuclear power facility’s unit 2 trial run will commence in March while the unit 1’s technical issues are being rectified.

"Russia had agreed to help India build 14-16 nuclear units. Now it seems that the demand of India is much bigger and this may rise to 20-24 units.

"Cooperation between the two countries in peaceful uses of nuclear energy will prominently figure at the Summit level talks."

The Kudankulam power plant is being developed by Russia’s nuclear power corporation Rosatom’s unit Atomstroyexport in India’s southern state of Tamil Nadu, as part of a contract signed in 1988, reports ITAR-TASS? Russian news agency.

The first unit of the power plant was commissioned in July 2013, while the second unit is currently in the final stage of construction.

Image: Russia plans to build 20-24 nuclear energy units in India. Photo: Courtesy of xedos4/Freedigitalphotos.net.