Petrosyan was quoted by ARKA News Agency as saying during a press conference that the loan amount is still unknown, but the lending terms will be soft.

”First, we will have to approve the project, carry out troubleshooting and make a list of the required equipment. Only after then we will be able to speak about the project cost,” Petrosyan added.

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan had earlier told that the lifetime extension project requires at least $150m for completion.

Russian president Vladimir Putin had revealed last month that the Russian state-owned nuclear company, Rosatom will collaborate with Armenian experts to extend lifetime of the NPP for another ten years, till 2026, according to the news agency.

Commissioned in 1976, the Armenian NPP originally has two VVER 440 reactors, one of which was reactivated in 1995 due to acute power crisis in Armenia, leaving only the second 407.5MW reactor is in operation.