An Inter-governmental commission on bilateral economic, scientific and technical cooperation noted the development of Russia-Slovakia cooperation in nuclear power engineering, ensuring the safe operation of Slovakia’s nuclear power plants.

According to AtomStroyExport, Slovakia expressed support for the participation of Russian companies in modernizing Slovakia’s reactors.

“The Russian side confirmed its readiness to implement projects to extend the term of operation of the Bohunice plant, increase the capacity of existing reactors of Slovakian nuclear plants, finish the construction of reactors 3 and 4 of the Mohovice plant and build new reactors for nuclear plants in Slovakia,” AtomStroyExport said.

Slovakia’s nuclear power plants were built using Russia’s light-water reactor technology.

Under an inter-governmental agreement signed between the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, Russia technology was utilized to construct and operate the Bohunice plant, with a capacity of 1.76 GW (four VVER-440 units) and the Mohovice plant with output of 880 MW (2 VVER-440 units).