The facility has an initial working gas capacity of 18Bcf which will be increased to 25Bcf by the second quarter of 2013 and 35Bcf by the second quarter of 2014.
Ryckman Creek Resources has interconnections with Questar, Ruby, Kern River, Northwest and Overthrust pipelines which are linked to the Opal Hub and have a combine meter capacity of over 1bcfd.
The maximum phase I gas injection capability is at the facility is 350 million cubic feet per day (MMcfd) and the maximum withdrawal capability is 480MMcfd and the customers are currently injecting gas at an average rate of over 230MMcfd.
Peregrine executive vice president and chief commercial officer Jeff Foutch said the company is expecting the total gas injection rate to reach up to 300MMcfd by September.
"Our customers are doing mostly daily parks right now through the end of this month in anticipation of base-loading injections starting September 1 through the end of October," Foutch added.
"Depending on the weather and the forward curve, we could very well see gas injections into November as well.
"We anticipate an active fall-winter storage season, especially since we are connected to pretty much all of the pipes coming out of Opal."
The company will expand the working gas capacity of the facility to 50Bcf depending upon the market conditions.