The oil and gas company claims to have 70% operated interest in the WK-1 well.
The WK-1 well’s two main targets include the Oligocene Berai formation carbonates forming a reservoir in the nearby Kerendan gas field and the Eocene aged sandstone fairway in a four way dip closed structure called Sungai Lahei.
According to the company, the higher risk Eocene target has mean recoverable prospective resource potential of 580bcf.
The Upper Berai located at West Kerendan forms the primary target and has mean recoverable resource potential of 330bcf.
Additionally, the company will target prospective gas resource volumes will located in the Lower Berai formation, while assessing oil potential in shallower Miocene aged sandstones.
The company will use the DrillCo-1 land rig to dig the well to a vertical sub-sea depth of 4,250m.