The Tutung Alpha-1 well was drilled to a total depth of 3,250m sub-sea and discovered multiple gas and condensate bearing sandstones between 2,990m and 3,120m sub-sea.

The original discovery well, Tutung-1, flow tested at 10 million standard cubic feet of gas and 613 barrels of condensate per day from a single channel sand. The well has been suspended as a future producer.

Salamander has an option to further appraise the Tutung discovery using the Ensco-1 barge mounted rig once it has completed the appraisal drilling on the Gurame discovery in the Seruway production sharing contract (PSC), in which Salamander will have a 22.5% interest on completion of its proposed acquisition of GFI Oil and Gas.

James Menzies, Salamander’s CEO, said: The positive results from Tutung Alpha-1 indicate the potential for a commercially viable development. We will return to further appraise and test the Tutung gas-condensate feature in order to confirm the volume of resources in place. We are also looking forward to exploring the multiple prospects in the offshore area of the PSC over which we have recently acquired 3D seismic.