The San Vicente Energy Storage Facility (SVESF) is expected to increase the availability and efficiency of renewable energy in the region by providing enough stored energy to be supplied to about 325,000 Californian homes annually.

As the owners’ representative, B&V will assist in evaluating proposals, selection of full service team and negotiating the project delivery agreement.

When energy demand is low, the SVESF will store energy by pumping water to an upper reservoir and will use the stored water to run through turbines when energy demand is high.

The project will include a small reservoir to be established above the existing San Vicente Reservoir along with a tunnel system and an underground powerhouse to connect the two reservoirs. Reversible pump-turbines present in the powerhouse would pump the water to the upper reservoir or produce power as it flows down. 

During the hours of peak energy demand, the water from the upper reservoir will be released downhill and turn the hydroelectric turbines, generating electricity. And, during off-peak periods, including daytime when renewable energy supplies exceed demand, water would be pumped to the upper reservoir.

B&V associate vice president and project manager Kevin Davis said: “Growing demand centers, particularly in drought-prone areas like Southern California, require holistic water planning solutions. This project would marry investments in water system resilience with renewable energy deployment, helping to reduce greenhouse gases.”

Earlier, B&V delivered construction project management and design service on two of the four key facilities on the The San Diego Water Authority’s Emergency and Carryover Storage (E&CSP) Project.