The SP Cyberlight product is the solar-powered lighting system jointly developed by Cyberlux and Sacred Power for the Department of Defense (DoD) Power Surety Task Force.

The Power Surety Task Force is tasked with identifying efficient energy solutions that support the Warfighter in the theater of operation, including portable solar lighting solutions for the night time security of Forward Base Operations.

Sandia National Laboratories evaluated the SP Cyberlight Solar LED lighting system in two different modes of operation, one mode for checkpoint, access points and task lighting, and the other for perimeter lighting for forward bases, buildings and site security.

The technical evaluation of each mode of operation addressed the optical properties of the lighting, the light beam profile and map, the light pattern, intensity and balance and the battery and battery charging performance.

As part of the operational analysis, the Sandia assessment team also evaluated the product’s ease of use, the applicability of product features, the operability in expected conditions, the cost benefit and the product’s robustness.

Earlier in 2008, Cyberlux and Sacred Power, a provider of renewable energy solutions, entered into a teaming agreement to jointly develop the SP Cyberlight LED Lighting System product by incorporating the advanced capabilities of Cyberlux lighting and Sacred Power’s solar power technology in order to deliver the solar-powered LED lighting solution as commissioned by the Power Surety Task Force.