The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) plans to continue heightened coverage at the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in New Jersey on alert.

Operators of Exelon’s power plant are waiting for the water intake levels to drop to pre-designated thresholds. The water level rose due to a combination of a rising tide, wind direction and storm surge.

Oyster Creek site vice president Michael Massaro said the operators are prepared to protect the plant, workers and public as safety is their top priority.

"In its 42 years of operations, Oyster Creek has withstood its share of severe weather and our storm preparations this week will ensure our readiness," Massaro added.

Meanwhile, Connecticut’s Millstone 3, Vermont Yankee, and Pennsylvania’s Limerick nuclear power plants had reduced power in advance of or in response to the storm.

Millstone 3’s power was reduced to about 70%, while Vermont Yankee reduced power to 89%. Power at Limerick Unit 1 and Unit 2 was reduced to about 50% and 25% respectively in response to low electrical demands on the grid due to power outages.

The federal regulator said it has started to return to normal inspection coverage for nuclear plants in the northeastern US in the path Sandy.