The Nishikinohama Factory has a production capacity of 35MW. However, through recently decided process enhancement (takt time and output improvement), the plant will achieve a capacity increase of 5MW, bringing its production capacity to 40MW, the company said.

The Shiga Plant now has a production capacity of 100MW, and has been working to increase that amount by another 100MW by March 2011. However, in order to meet strong demand in Japan, an additional capacity increase of 50MW is being carried out through the installation of additional equipment, thereby realizing a total capacity of 250MW, the company added.

Sanyo has two HIT solar cell production sites: the Nishikinohama Factory (Kaizuka City, Osaka Prefecture), and Shimane Sanyo Electric (Unnan City, Shimane Prefecture).

The solar cell modules, on the other hand, are produced at the two sites in Japan (Nishikinohama Factory and Shiga Plant), and at two overseas sites (Hungary Factory and Monterrey Factory in Mexico).

With the new capacity increases at the two module production sites in Japan, Sanyo will be ready to meet the strong demand in the Japanese market.

Sanyo plans on almost doubling its HIT solar cell production capacity from the current level of 340 MW, to 600 MW, by March 2011. Additional HIT solar cell production equipment is currently being installed in the Nishikinohama Factory and at Shimane Sanyo Electric.