Located within the SK310 production sharing contract (PSC) area offshore East Malaysia, the B15 field is the first upstream gas development project for the company in the country.

The project development comprises a central processing platform with a 35km gas evacuation pipeline that would be tied into existing infrastructure.

SapuraKencana plans to commence initial gas delivery from the project in the fourth quarter of 2017.

SapuraKencana president and group CEO Tan Sri Shahril Shamsuddin said: "We will continue to pursue future gas development projects from our other successful gas discoveries in Malaysia which is part of SKE’s portfolio today."

The B15 field, which was discovered in December 2010, is estimated to produce 100 million standard ft³ per day of hydrocarbon gas for the Petronas’ LNG complex located in Bintulu, Sarawak.

SapuraKencana Energy, though SapuraKencana Energy Sarawa, operates the SK310 PSC with 30% stake.

Other partners include Petronas Carigali with 40% stake and Mitsubishi’s subsidiary Diamond Energy Sarawak with the remaining 30% interest.

SapuraKencana Petroleum was formed through a merger between SapuraCrest and Kencana in May 2012 and operates in more than 20 countries including Malaysia, Brazil, US, Western Africa and the Middle East.