Under the contract, Schlumberger, from its Aberdeen base, will provide all the main drilling and well services for Mariner, including drilling, completion, electrical submersible pumps (ESPs), cement and fluids.

The contract scope includes a total of 22 drilling and well services as well as logistics support responsibility that goes beyond the normal scope for similar Statoil contracts.

Statoil Production UK managing director Gunnar Breivik said: "The aim for this contract is a long-term partnership with a performance-based compensation format rewarding actual performance — metres drilled and completed — rather than usage of time and material.

"Together we will now establish an integrated operations team in our Aberdeen office, working closely with both the service supplier and the drilling contractor Odfjell and rig contractor Noble to plan and optimise operations."

The four-year contract will start in January 2015 and has options for several additional four-year periods.

Statoil and its co-venturers JX Nippon and Dyas are developing the Mariner field, which is located approximately 150km east of the Shetland Isles.

The Mariner filed, which has at least 30 years of operational life, is scheduled to commence drilling in 2016 with production start-up following in 2017.

Schlumberger will also have options for Bressay, another Statoil-operated field on the UKCS, currently in the concept evaluation phase, as part of the contract.

The company will also work as part of the framework agreement for exploration drilling on UKCS.