According to a report published by trade body, Scottish Renewables, 2012 provided a starting point for large scale offshore wind development in the country.

Scottish Renewables sought from its members, the data on investments made by them and consequently compiled the report titled ‘Offshore Wind: Investing in Scotland,’ that pegged the total installed capacity at 4GW – both developed and under-development.

The envisaged capacity, when fully, realized will power three million homes in the region.

Scottish Renewables offshore renewables senior policy manager Lindsay Leask highlighted that most of the investments were made in the sphere of research towards environmental surveys, technical engineering surveys and project demonstrations.

"This level of investment, made in advance of their projects gaining consents, shows the considerable level of confidence developers have in Scotland’s offshore wind sector," opined Leask.

International companies including Mitsubishi, Technip and Samsung, as well as domestic businesses like NGenTec, Wind Towers and BiFab have all shown interest in developing offshore wind power in the country, added Leask.