Representatives of the National Geological Society have given access to the 17km of tunnels created in the construction of Glendoe, providing them with an opportunity to study the rock strata under the Monadhliath mountains.

Lord Smith of Kelvin, Chairman of Scottish and Southern Energy, said: “This is a very proud moment for Scottish and Southern Energy. SSE is delighted to have welcomed The Queen and The Duke to Glendoe to see for themselves this remarkable project, which is in keeping with the strong tradition of hydro electric power in Scotland. Many of SSE’s hydro electric stations have been in operation for over 50 years and still make a significant contribution to the supply of renewable energy in the UK.”

Neil Sandilands, Scottish and Southern Energy’s project manager for Glendoe, said: “For the thousands of people who have been involved in this project from start to finish, today is a very proud moment. When you get involved in an enterprise of this scale you’ve got to be prepared for an exciting ride. This is probably the only major hydro scheme that will be built in my era and it isn’t every day that you get to leave a legacy of this scale. I certainly have an emotional attachment to this project and it is a real privilege to have been involved.”