In 2009, EDPR and SeaEnergy Renewables (SERL) incorporated a joint venture called MORL, in which EDPR holds a 75% shareholding and SERL a 25% interest, with the purpose of participating in the third offshore wind farm leasing round in the UK.

EDPR expects MORL to be awarded and to enter into a zone development agreement for Zone 1, which is located in the northeast of Scotland with a target capacity of approximately 1.3GW.

The selected partners will be awarded an exclusive right to proceed first with the study and development of offshore wind farm projects in a specific zone for the purpose of obtaining the relevant consents.

If the relevant consents are obtained, MORL will be authorised to begin construction and operation of the relevant offshore wind farm projects, which, should MORL be selected now as a zone partner, is expected to take place between 2015 and 2020.