
The wind farm, which covers an area of about 35km², is located between 17km and 23km off the coast of North Norfolk.

It features 88 Siemens 3.6MW turbines that generate enough energy for 220,000 homes.

Statoil, Statkraft and the UK Green Investment Bank own the wind farm through joint-venture company Scira Offshore Energy.

Seajacks provided specialist technicians, tooling and lifting equipment for the project.

The company worked in all stages of planning from the tooling, turbine preparation gearbox exchange and re-commissioning of the two turbines.

Vessel delivery was coordinated in partnership with the supply of two gearboxes from the original equipment manufacturer.

Seajacks said the work marked the first time in the UK a major component has been exchanged on a Siemens model offshore machine without the manufacturer managing the project and providing the heavy lift team.

The wind farm, which will reduce 500,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year, also features two offshore substations, two 132kV submarine export cables of about 22km each as well as a 21.6km onshore cable and new inland substation.

The lease for the wind farm’s site was granted as part of the Crown Estate’s Round Two in 2004.

Image: Seajacks provided specialist technicians, tooling and lifting equipment for the Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farm.Photo: Courtesy of Seajacks.