The web-based system provides personnel and vessel tracking, certification management and document management.

The SeaPlanner’s new induction manager module will also be used by Vattenfall team to complete their inductions and certifications online before they arrive on site.

Kentish Flats Extension marine coordinator Toby Rayner said: "The SeaPlanner software will limit the amount of vessel downtime by ensuring personnel are ready to go the moment they arrive onsite.

"It was important to us that inductions could be carried out on a pc or mobile device making it accessible to all, especially when working within the offshore sector where desk based PC access is limited."

SeaPlanner system is already in use at Vattenfall’s 90MW Kentish Flats wind farm, located off the coast of Kent, England.

The installed capacity of the offshore wind farm is being extended by another 49.5MW.

The wind farm extension project will generate around 150,000GWh a year of energy, which would be enough to power up to 35,000 UK households.