The company said that it is ramping up its drilling program to accommodate the large number of generated targets, with this second rig specifically dedicated to core drilling.

The company added that ongoing reverse circulation (RC) drilling at Pinguino project is progressing well, with approximately 5,500m completed to date.

The RC drilling completed has tested the upper part of the oxide horizon within 13 silver-dominant zones including Tranquilo, Marta Este and Marta Norte.

Geological modeling suggests a possible zone of secondary silver enrichment at that interface. Excellent potential exists within these targets for expansion and definition of additional silver mineralization.

To date, eight silver-gold veins including silver-rich Marta Norte have been trenched for a total of 6,980m.

The focus of the exploration activities at Pinguino is the expansion of near-surface silver discoveries with our overall goal of defining the extensive mineralized footprint.

The Pinguino property is located in Argentina’s Patagonia region, within the Deseado Massif of Santa Cruz province.