In a typical application the power management unit activates the on-board 8051 micro controller and other blocks that are needed for a certain task as soon as sufficient energy is detected. The microcontroller then carries out a free programmable routine and deactivates again. For instance, an encrypted message can be transmitted or by means of the implemented sensor-interface a measurement value can be taken and sent out. Typical applications are car access systems and wireless plus batteryless remote sensors, e.g. tire pressure monitoring systems, ultra low power radio and other remote sensors.


The SD341 supports all four ISM bands, i.e. 315, 433, 868 and 915 MHz, for world-wide license free FSK or ASK operation. Data rates up to 125 kbit/s are possible. The 32 kByte on-chip FLASH is sufficient for complex software like encryption algorithms, measurement value processing or channel hopping management. In order to cover a wide range of applications several interfaces are implemented: up to twelve mixed signal general purpose I/O pins, a four wire- (SPI compatible) and a UART- interface. For the measurement of external sensor signals two 12 bit ADCs with 400 kHz bandwidth are available. For sensor driving purposes an 8 bit DAC is also implemented. To cope with different sources of energy like solar cells, electromechanical or thermo electrical energy generators, the SD341 runs with a minimum supply voltage of only 2 V and is not limited to a certain voltage slope on power on. Furthermore it accepts large voltage variations during operation without loss of performance.

Availability and Price:

SD341samples in a 6mm x 6mm QFN40 package are available now; the 1k price is 5$. Contact company’s local sales representatives for a competitive quote for series production. An evaluation board can also be ordered.