Work is planned at Rottacker, adjacent to Serengeti’s resource-stage Kwanika property; at the RCN in the Red Chris – North Rok area; and on the UDS property located adjacent to the Kemess North / East underground copper-gold project.

At the Rottacker property, located 25 km southeast of Kwanika, prospecting in 2013 located copper-gold-silver mineralization in boulders and outcrop in a geological setting similar to that present at Kwanika Central Zone. The target area has not previously been tested by IP geophysics or drilling and potentially lies within the Kwanika project economic area of influence, making it a high priority for follow up. Work planned in the current program is geological mapping, soil geochemistry and establishment of grid access for future IP geophysics.

At the RCN property, located 8 km north of North Rok copper-gold deposit in Red Chris area of northwestern BC, prospecting in 2013 field season located an outcrop of quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration with a grab sample returning 0.59% Cu, 1.54 g/t Au. Planned work in the current program at RCN includes reconnaissance IP geophysics, soil geochemistry and additional prospecting to identify a future drill target.

The 100%-owned UDS claim block, comprises 2,163 hectares of highly prospective ground located immediately east of AuRico Gold’s proposed Kemess North underground copper-gold project. A thorough compilation of this structurally complex area has been completed and has identified at least five target areas for follow-up. Geological mapping this summer is aimed at targeting prospective areas for follow-up deep penetrating IP geophysics and eventual drilling to test for buried porphyry systems.

"We are pleased to be able to conduct this exploration program on some of our best targets," stated Serengeti’s President & CEO David Moore. "These properties are each located in a highly prospective area with excellent potential for the discovery of copper-gold deposits and this work is a necessary step in advancing them along the road to discovery."