
The Kintyre to Hunterston Connection will reinforce the 132kV transmission network with a new 132kV connection between Carradale Substation and the new Crossaig substation.

Construction work at Crossaig substation started in August 2013 and the first six of 50 towers have been built in Carradale.

UK-based engineering consultancy Amec is building the 13km of overhead lines required for the project.

EKCC secretary Eleanor Sloan said: "We welcome all the new projects to our area and it is exciting to see the changes that are happening, and although there are times when these changes can be stressful for us and our daily routines, on the whole we are a community behind this project.

"It has been an added bonus for us to see works being carried out by SHE Transmission to help to improve our village."

SHE Transmission project director Andrew Malkin said: "The assets we are developing will be around for decades and we recognise that we must build strong, long-term relationships with our local communities."

Image: The Kintyre to Hunterston Connection will reinforce the 132kV transmission network with a new connection. Photo: Courtesy of SSE.