The company stated that the new system offers four times the output of the largest offshore wind turbines and six times the capacity of the largest onshore towers.

A single Invelox tower, with a wind rating of 12 m/s free stream, can power nearly 25,000 US homes at a fraction of the size and cost of traditional wind turbines.

SheerWind executive vice president and chief administrative officer Cyndi Lesher said, "By concentrating and accelerating wind, we create a similar effect to the natural wind corridors used by traditional wind towers. We are able to exceed current industry standards and make wind power costs competitive with fossil fuels."

SheerWind said that its Invelox technology has been reviewed and validated by a technical advisory board, a team of experts from major research universities and agencies.

The prototypes were tested under controlled laboratory conditions, and test results were used to build and validate full-scale computational fluid dynamic models.