The Neal well has been drilled to a total depth of 4,420m, with a lateral length of 1,280m while Gee to a total depth of 4,724m and a lateral length of 945m.

The two new discovery wells extend the sweet spot of the Utica formation beyond Southeast Ohio and Western Pennsylvania and into an area where Shell holds approximately 430,000 acres.

Production of Neal and Gee started in February 2014 and for nearly one year respectively.

Shell Upstream Americas director Marvin Odum said: "Last year, we refocused our resources plays strategy to select fewer plays with specific scale and economic characteristics to best suit our portfolio. The Appalachian basin is one of those areas, and these two high-pressure wells both exhibit exceptional reservoir quality."

Currently, Shell is awaiting results from four additional Utica wells drilled in Tioga County.