The transaction, which has received more than 83% of favorable votes from Shell shareholders, is expected to make Shell the biggest liquefied natural gas (LNG) company in the world.

Subject to BG shareholders approval and scheduled to be completed 15 February.

Shell CEO Ben van Beurden said: "Our immediate focus is on the successful completion of the transaction and we now await the results of tomorrow’s BG shareholder vote."

Recently, Shell announced its plan to cut 10,000 jobs following completion of acquisition of BG Group in a bid to further reduce costs amid plunging oil prices.

The firm said it expects the capital investment for combined Shell and BG to be $33bn in 2016.

The company also added that following the acquisition of BG, the company targeting to complete $30bn worth of asset sale in 2016-18 while it has already completed asset sale of $20bn for 2014 and 2015, compared to the original target of $15bn.

Earlier this month, Shell’s major shareholders, Standard Life Investments, said it would vote against the merger deal with BG Group citing that the proposed transaction terms are value destructive for Shell shareholder.

Standard Life Investments equities head David Cumming said: "We have concluded that the proposed terms of the acquisition of BG are value destructive for Shell shareholders.

"This view is based on the downside risks to Shell’s oil price assumptions plus the tax and operational risks surrounding BG’s Brazilian asset base. Consequently we shall vote against the deal."