Over the past four years the proposed Western Isles Connection has been the subject of a series of consultations to enable Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission (SHETL) to obtain the views on the proposed project from the various statutory consultees, including affected landowners and occupiers and other relevant interested parties.
During these consultations, SHETL received and analyzed nearly 300 responses, which provided over 800 different comments. No significant new alternative routes were proposed and there was no preference noted for any of the alternative routes illustrated within the document.
Following the extensive analysis of the responses to the most recent consultation issued in December 2006, and some additional survey works, SHETL has developed indicative proposed routes (IPR) for the various elements of the transmission infrastructure associated with the Western Isles Connection.
SHETL noted that a strong preference was stated for a subsea connection between Grabhair and Stornoway as far as possible. A detailed seabed survey has been completed to allow selection of an IPR for a subsea connection. In addition, two land-based IPRs have been selected.
The proposed Western Isles Connection will proceed in two distinct sections. The Lewis infrastructure will be subject to further environmental surveys and no decision will be taken until autumn 2009. It is intended that the main interconnector, between Grabhair on Lewis and Beauly, will be the subject of applications for consent later in 2008.