Shuttle Express, which currently uses about 800,000 gallons of gasoline and travels about 9,000,000 miles each year in the Puget Sound area, plans to switch to propane as part of its sustainable initiative to cut its carbon footprint.

Propane, a clean burning gas, is claimed to emit up to 20% less nitrous oxide, up to 60% less carbon monoxide and generate fewer particulate emissions and propane-fueled vans are designed to meet the Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV) II emission standards, are according to the manufacturer, Roush

The company plans to test these vans this year followed by a gradual replacement of its entire fleet with propane over the next five years.

John Rowley, president of Shuttle Express, said: “Shuttle Express has always been concerned about our environment—our share ride service has been taking cars off the road since 1987.

“Propane is a good choice for our operation because of its availability. It’s a good fit for both Shuttle Express and our community.”