
Under the deal, Siemens will deliver nine of its SWT-3.2-113 turbines with a power rating of 3.2MW each.

The company said the turbines, which will be mounted on towers with hub heights of 93.5m, are optimized for the climate in the north of Sweden as the rotor blades are equipped with active de-icing equipment.

The order also includes a service and maintenance agreement for a five-year period.

Located in Sorsele municipality in northern Sweden, the power plant will be capable of generating 82 gigawatt hours of energy annually, enough for about 27,500 Swedish private households.

Installation is scheduled for autumn 2015 while commissioning is planned in late 2015.

Siemens said wind power and energy service are part of its environmental portfolio. About 43% of the company’s total revenue comes from green products and solutions.

Image: Vattenfall has ordered nine gearless wind turbines of the type Siemens SWT-3.2-113 for its Juktan project. Photo: Courtesy of Siemens.