Siliken will deliver this installation as a turnkey project and final completion of the facility will be in June 2010. Siliken will be responsible for the maintenance of the plant for a period of 20 years as of the start of operations.

With its 14MW power, the installation will consist of 60,800 Siliken SLK60P6L modules of 230Wp. The plant will have the capacity to inject yearly 22,34GWh into the grid, which will avoid the emission of 11,660 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere – compared to the power production by means of combined cycles of natural gas – or the generation of 12,000 mm highly active radioactive waste, Siliken said.

In this plant, a Siliken piled structure will be used with a 30 degee angle. It will be equipped with Siliken’s proprietary monitoring system for continuous monitoring, as is the case in all of the plants set up by Siliken.